
Getting Listed

If you would like us to review your company for listing, Please send your company information to the E-mail address below IN OUR FORMAT. Please include your company name, LOCAL ten digit phone number, street address, website URL and PRIMARY E-mail address with your areacode in the subject line.

In the subject line, Please include:

Your Company Name and LOCAL ten digit phone number.

And Submit Your listing in Our format:

Your Limousine Service 123 555-1212 ... www.yourcompanywebsite.com
1234 Main St Localvillle ST 90210 ... primaryemail@yourISP.com

SEND TO: LimoRaces@aol.com

(Add Your three digit area code plus+ @LimoRaces.com, (###)@limoraces.com, to your address book to ensure delivery to your inbox, rather than to bulk or junk folders. If your mail server uses SPAMCOP.NET, and your listing has been removed, You may resubmit your listing with an alternate email address that You have spam control with such as Yahoo,or Hotmail .)


If you would like a guaranteed premium listing, Please send your business card and a company check for $100 to the address below. PARKING INFO

ATTN: Justin Gibbs
412 Liberty Hill #1-D
Cincinnati OH 45202

Your phone number is the only unique identifier for your company. You must have a ten digit number to be listed. The most important aspect of your listing is your
primary E-mail address. Please provide us with the E-mail address that You will be replying to public service requests from. Bounced or undeliverable mail will be immediately removed from our messaging system unless your company has PAID PARKING on LimoRaces.com. If your listing has been removed, Please be sure that the e-mail address, and addresses that it forwards to, is free from undeliverable, bounced, or returned mail, And resubmit Your entire listing in our format.

We do not list companies that resell information for Commission, Barter, Sell, Vend, Or otherwise detract from the interests of the public users of this site by increasing the costs of services for the actual recipients of services provided.